Building the
next generation
of confident leaders,
one child at a time
We're on a mission.
To build confidence and resilience in young children across the UK – especially those who need it most – through our free school programmes that nurture positive self-worth and acceptance.
How do we do this?
Inner Wings’ main focus is to bring free confidence-building programmes to schools across the UK. Finding Your Superpower helps children to develop a growth mindset and realise their unique potential. Finding Your Voice gives children the skills and confidence to share their unique voice and improve their public speaking skills. We also offer confidence-building resources for children and parents to use together at home.

What's been said about Inner Wings:
After delivering the programme with a small group of children, they are speaking out more confidently in class. They have more resilience to give things a go.
My children were talking about their superpowers in other areas of the school. I even had a parent at parents' evening tell me that their child was saying that their additional needs were like their superpowers.
All of the girls have become more confident in public speaking throughout the weeks. They all learned to recognise the signs of being nervous and what tools to use to calm themselves down.
Emily is shy and quiet in class and doesn't like to answer out in case she gets it wrong. Since completing the Superpower programme, she has begun to open up to the class, will now put her hand up and is dealing positively when she doesn’t maybe answer correctly. I’m delighted to see her growing confidence and self-esteem.
Learn more about our programmes:
UK partner
Download our annual report
Click here to read our second Annual Report and all our highlights from the 2023/24 Academic Year!

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Inner Wings is a registered private limited company by guarantee (Company No. 12703942)
Registered Charity in England and Wales (Charity No. 1192877)